Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Einojuhani Rautavaara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Einojuhani Rautavaara - Essay Examplein 1954.Most of Rautavaaras fly the coops have been put down with his Symphony No. 7 been per leaped too. His works hint Modernism as well Romanticism and nonetheless show Constructivism and Mysticism. He can be well said to be a mediator in the creative process. In regard to the absence of history as Post-Modernist and being a Romantic he himself commented, A Romantic has no coordinates. In time, he is yesterday or tomorrow, never today. In space, he is over there or over yonder, never here.He also demonstrated an extended cash advance in his Neo-Classical period. Among his early piano works, Kolme symmetrist preludia (Three Symmetrical Preludes, 1949) was Constructivist Pelimannit (Fiddlers, 1952) was folklorish and Ikonit (Icons, 1955) stemmed from Orthodox mysticism.Rautavaara has marked the field in respective(a) musical ensembles as orchestral music, works for string orchestra, solo instrumental works, chamber music and call music. He writes extremely melodious tunes with depth and without being artificial which is surly a great doing in present music scenario.Einojuhani Rautavaaras works ar pee influences of the most complex human emotions. The briny characters are always tangled within their hopes and fears, memories and hallucinations etc. The characters are the inspirations of the actual people from history hardly the operas are not the mere depiction of real historical events. He has well experimented with his characters for example the title characters in Thomas, Vincent and Aleksis Kivi, the title characters are exceptional (one might almost say deviant) individuals in Auringon talo, the main characters are misfits on the fringe of society.....misfits on the fringe of society. Fimic.fi. Einojuhani Rautavaara A composer of Many Personas. In his works it has been seen that the layers of time form Czars to contemporary, from Romantic to Neo-Classical keep intermingling without any specific relevance but the memory plays vital role in Proustian manner. His first award winning work A Requiem in Our Time had clear influences of Nordic classicism of Sibelius and Nielsen as well as that of Bartok, Shostakovich and folk music.In his early career he experimented with serial technique but those didnt come out to be real series. He tried to work upon it in his Symphony No. 3 but it seemed more like Anton Bruckner than the traditional serialists as capital of South Dakota Boulez. His later works reflect mystical element having referencing to angels - a menacing figure than being sainted for him. A characteristic Rautavaara sound might be a rhapsodic string theme of austere beauty, with whirling flute lines, gently dissonant bells, and perhaps the suggestion of a boorish horn.......... suggestion of a pastoral horn. Classicalcat.net. Classical Cat- The Free Classical Catalogue.Rautavaara has been greatly fascinated by metaphysical subjects. It is not any principle which held his belief in this nut the words of a German
IT firms in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
IT firms in India - Essay ExampleThe constitution tells that rapid industrialization and globalization have led to firms expanding their services in foreign countries. The service firms be entering the foreign markets and the most critical issue in supranational marketing strategy trunk the choice of entry mode. The choice of market entry mode according to Zhao and Decker has an impact on international operations and is considered important in international marketing. It is one of the most critical decisions for the MNCs and it affects future decisions and performance in foreign markets. The initial entry mode choice significantly affects the performance and longevity of the firm. Nearly 80 percent of the global investors plan to locate their corporate offices overseas by 2008. The corporate investors are flavour at offshoring opportunities more aggressively across all major functions. Kearney contends that the IT sector will see the highest levels of offshoring employment with 67% global investors expecting to offshore these functions. Business processes like R&D, HR and accounting offshoring would amount to closely 41 percent. These rail line models will include captive and joint venture, both of which result in FDI. Since thither are concerns over quality control and the intellectual-property protection, it is expected that most of the offshoring would be through captive business models (or wholly owned subsidiaries) or joint ventures. Most of the R&D offshoring will be through FDI. Kearney further states that global investors prefer to rely on third-party outsourcing contracts and other non-FDI operating models.
Monday, April 29, 2019
E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
E-commerce - move ExampleThe changes brought about by the Internet have even broader implications. With the advent of Internet technology, every confederation becomes a global comp whatever, with the means and opportunity to buy and sell from, or strike an alliance with, any company, anywhere, anytime. This golden opportunity brings with it a level of complexity that surpasses anything that all but the most far-flung global enterprises have experienced to date. The recent explosion of information and information technology (IT) has induced corporate focusing to utilize its ingenuity in creating the best available means to manage the shine of information, control flow channels, and integrate the different assets (both hardw be and software) of IT utilized by the different departments and divisions of the corporation. As companies invest heavily in information-based systems, they are vesting more (Cunningham 23-24). Like many processes, the design of a web site poop be unconnect ed down into simple steps, and each step can then be further broken down in to tasks and actions. Most researches are based on the principle that most large projects can be reduced to bite-sized chunks, thus reducing the fear factor and avoiding the sense of being overwhelmed by the large nature of the task ahead (Coltman 57). Creating an action plan, setting achievable targets within sensible deadlines, and distributing responsibility appropriately, impart ensure that the project moves forwards as smoothly as possible. There are four sanctioned stages through which the planner has to move to create an effective project plan awareness, familiarity, understanding and readiness (Eisenberg et al 38). The web is a publishing and communication medium, and as such it needs to be focused on the audience. As with any strategic development, the company should conduct some basic market research anterior to the web site development. This will help keep the company planning process focused on the customer and demonstrate that the company is aware of the wider environment in which web site exists. There are many research tools and services on the web that can assist the company with this process (Eisenberg et al 49). When setting up a web site or e-business, the company should do as overmuch research as it can to find out who is offering similar services on-line (and off-line). It is decisive to use search engines, company lists, newsgroups and word of mouth to get as much information on competitors as the company possibly can. Most classicly, the company should not stop researching once the e-company/dotcom is off the ground. It is important to carry on researching and refining (Nielsen 30). For organizations creating a new brand, or launching themselves on to the web for the startle time, the selection of an effective domain name can be a difficult process. All the good name calling seem to have gone, and the organizations preferred domain name might have been ta ken by individual with no apparent claim to that name (Lucas 98). Trademark and copyright issues aside, choosing a domain name is very much simpler than many organizations think the most important aspects are that it should be memorable, and easy to spell and type. Issues relating to brand funding and literal, descriptive names are secondary, and can be dealt with by effective marketing and explanatory text edition on the web
Sunday, April 28, 2019
International Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Inter matter Business Environment - Essay ExampleGlobalization has its benefits and challenges. However, it is almost indispensable and the global economy is expected to continue influencing operations of blood linees. This paper International Business Environment addresses the movement on whether globalisation is good or not. The discussion will involve a brief write up on how some(prenominal)(predicate) schools of thoughts perceive globalization. Additionally the drivers of globalization, its implications on international rail line, the benefits, and challenges of globalization to the international society in general will be discussed.Globalization as Perceived by Various Schools of ThoughtInternational stage business entails any business activity conducted crosswise national borders. The activities may involve sell of goods or services but moldiness be done between two or more countries. Most multinational companies may down their management located in one country. Howev er, they are international since they carry out business activities across more than one nation. International business has become a common phenomenon that influences decision in the policy-making social as well as frugal arena. International business operations are characterized by opportunities as well as challenges (Bray, 2003 Stefanovic, 2008).The term globalization means disparate things to different people. Some attend globalization as increased worldwide interconnectedness in different aspects such as ethnic as well as social ones. Hyperglobalists describe globalization as a phenomenon that exposes people.... International business operations are characterized by opportunities as well as challenges (Bray, 2003 Stefanovic, 2008). The term globalization means different things to different people. Some view globalization as increased worldwide interconnectedness in different aspects such as cultural as well as social ones. Hyperglobalists describe globalization as a phenome non that exposes people to international market resulting in denationalization of economies. Skeptics consider globalization to be the scotch interdependence resulting from economic integration. However, skeptics oppose hyperglobalist arguing that globalization leads to denationalization. Conversely, skeptics claim that globalization leads to increased influence of national governments on the global economy (Bray, 2003). Transformationalists agree with the hyperglobalists argument that globalization reshapes social, political, and economic societies. However, transformationalist fail to agree with hyperglobalists argument that globalization leads to assimilation of the global societies into a single society. They argue that existence of a single business system does not mean that the global economic society is unionized (Bray, 2003). Drivers of Globalization Although the process of globalization has been going on for a long period, it has intensified in the recent past. There are several factors also referred to as drivers that are responsible for the increased pace of globalization. The main driver of globalization is technology. The economic world has made a great leap in technological advancement. Communication plays a major role in the business environment (Devemdra, 2009). This is because most business
Saturday, April 27, 2019
American Foreign Policy since 1877 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
American Foreign Policy since 1877 - Assignment ExampleIn its formative years, American exotic indemnity dealt with issues like challenging the Great Britain, maintaining their softwood in the overseas, etc. In suffer of these early hindrances, the orbit has managed itself by emerging into a key inter tribeal power or flat a sole superpower by the end of the twentieth century. During the Gilded Age, instead of having robust foreign insurance, America turned its focus on internal growth paving the way for political, military and economic stability of the country. In the years that followed, the United States lapsed into diplomatic inactivity, not out of weakness notwithstanding for lack of any clear countryal purpose in world affairs. The business of building the lands industrial economy absorbed Americans and turned their attention inward.1 In the early 1920s, the country followed the path of isolationism in their foreign policy by avoiding key role in the League of Nations and pursuance to have a free operating authority. However, as time went, the countrys foreign policy turned from cautious into aggressive dealing due to the confident intervening strategies. In the period of professorship Franklin D. Roosevelt, he confidently intervened in the world affairs through various strategies of presidential diplomacy. As his marge coincided with the Second World War, his key role in ending the War and also his successful discussion of the colonial conflicts between the nations strengthened Americans position in major areas of the world. In addition, on with United Nations, America invested heavily for strengthening the war-devastated European democracies through the Marshall Plan. This expansion of its foreign policy strategies into Europe also led to the establishment of trade relations with those countries, thereby giving it strong knead in those countries. Thus, its victory in the Second World War and its key role in the post-war physique elevated United States as the most powerful nation in the world leading to spectacular changes in its foreign policies from the political perspective. By the end of the war, the United States stood alone, easily the most powerful nation in the world, its power greatly increased by its mobilization and war effort, its rivals defeated, and its allies exhausted.2 In the days of Woodrow Wilson, the economy of the country expanded into overseas markets as well, and that provided the platform for America to exercise its control over Third World Countries, thereby orienting its foreign policy further. That is, the prodigious development of American economy in late 19th century and early 20th century demanded the Americans to look oversea for further economic growth and expansion. Through the 19th century, America concentrated on creating a nation that spanned the continent, and it avoided foreign entanglements. Once industrialized and more prosperous, it began looking for foreign markets and colo nies.3 Americas arrant(a) domestic product quadrupled towards the end of the 19th century, which in turn led to the export of surplus products. about one-fifth of the nations agricultural output was exported, and as industry expanded, so did export of fabricate goods. Between 1880 and 1900, the Industrial share of exports jumped from 15 percent to over 30 percent.4 These heightened exports and foreign trade relations paved the way for industrial expansion of the country into European as well as
Friday, April 26, 2019
Market Segmentation (In simple terms) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Market Segmentation (In simple terms) - Essay modellingIt is indeed quite a challenge to separate a toll sensitive market, as the caller-up might end up losing a good shargon of its customers, if it plans its services for some other segment.For example, if the divider is being done for the retail sector, then the segmentation process might involve classifying the customers on the terra firma of goods and commodities being purchased, number of visits to the superstore, size of family etc. Similarly, if it has to be for an airlines industry, then we need to take into consideration the familiar aspects of airlines industry, duration of the travel, type of traveler - corporate or general etc. It is non a essential that all corporate clients would prefer to have meals on their journeys ranging from one hour to two hours. Such a journey fag end be undertaken with a low cost airline which cuts the cost by not serving the meals. During such a journey what the client will be looking at is a thorough professional approach from the airline staff and a comfortable journey.Therefore segmenting essentially involves identifying customers with consistent attributes who are expected to do to the gilds marketing mix in similar manner. If the needs of customers are clubbed in this manner, the comp whatsoever can always pool its efforts towards making the experience of the customer or consumer worth the price being paid.An effective and elaborate market segmentation is supposed to achieve the following Opportunities represented by each segment are clearly measurable and substantial This implies that the material advantage for each segment must not be limited to intangibles only. Instead the advantages must be substantial enough to curl the existing as well the prospective customer. If the opportunities for customers are tangible enough, the existing customer base can be widened in due course or the segment can further be subdivided depending upon the expiration of p enetration being achieved by the company or the product portfolio.Segments are accessible and identifiable for the company The segments being targeted by the company must be within easy reach of the company, with existing bag and related support base. For example, if the company plans to cater to the consumers in some remote locality, it must have strategic tie ups with local transporters and the community in general.Meaningful differences exist between segments that will lead members to respond differently to elements of the marketing mix. It must be emphasized here that there are some segments which whitethorn not have easily distinguishable live dividing them, but it is equally true that there are segments which are poles apart as far as their needs are concerned. For example one mortal owning a Formula-1 race car might be having entirely different needs than an ordinary citizen apply an MUV. While on the one hand F-1 racer requires best possible technology at any cost, the MU V car owner will have to see fuel efficiency and other price considerations before finalizing the deal.Segmentation is strongly linked to the business agency, goals, and identifies opportunities that fit well with resources and capabilities of the company. Market segmentation is carried out depending upon the plans, mission and objectives of the company. A company will of course want to cater to a market where it feels more sure-footed in taking on the
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Criminal Law - newspaper articles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
criminal Law - newspaper articles - Assignment ExampleThe overall purpose is to reach a conclusion on the accuracy of press reports that touch on legal matters while pointing prohibited various reasons for inaccuracies that occur.Under the UK rules, mockery by false example refers to a situation where a person makes a false representation either by intent or being dishonest in the process for personal gains. A representation is defined as being false if the person making it knows that it is true and misleading. In other(a) sheath, fraud may be by a person failing to disclose information by intent through dishonest means for personal gains. The other part is fraud by misuse of position in which the person involved misuses his position for his personal gain.In the article, James Stevenson has pleaded guilty of an beak of fraud in the IT firm where he worked by adding nectar points to his card which he later utilise to purchase things and access services. The judge also refers to him as having used his office to represent himself falsely.In the case that is presented in the article, James Stevens is guilty of one account of fraud namely fraud by iniquity of position. Stevens used his position where he had access to all the activities that involve the use of cards, which was run by a third party, to benefit from services that were being offered by use of the card. This is evidenced by the amount of items that he purchased using the card despite his denial of the figures that have been presented in court.The reporting was not accurately through because in the article, an impression is created that Stevens was sent to jail because of having just added the amount of nectar points to his card. This scenario points out the inaccuracies in the reporting of legal affairs.PC Jamie Hillman who stole over 70,000 from banks in loans to fund an extra marital affair walked out of court freely as the judge declared him of being emotionally fragile. The Bristol court
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Guidelines for Application Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Guidelines for act - Assignment ExampleThe paper is free of any grammatic or punctuation errors.The student presents a cohesive diminish of in coiffeion within the paper. There is some utilisation of evidence and illustrations throughout the paper. The base of the paper clearly explains the topic and states the purpose of the paper. The student gives a brief and complete sum-up of almost of the information contained in the paper. The student also crystallizely uses APA referencing guidelines throughout the paper. The paper has very few grammatical and punctuation errors.The flow if information is acceptable. There is use of some of evidence and illustrations in the paper. There is an approach that explains the topic and tries to state the purpose of the paper. The papers summary highlights some of the main points of the paper. The student uses APA referencing format and his or her paper has few grammatical and punctuation errors.The flow of information is illogical. There is limited use of evidence and illustrations in the paper. The introduction does not explain the topic and the purpose of the paper logically. The papers summary does not talk about some the main points of the paper. The student does not use the correct APA referencing format and his or her paper has very many grammatical and punctuation errors.The consistence of the paper does not highlight any of the major elements of blood flow through the heart. Subheadings are not used and the summary is either missing or does not state the major points of the paper.The body of the paper highlights some of the classic elements of blood flow through the heart. Different subheadings are used for various stages that describe the blood flow process. The summary at the end of the paper is brief and concise and consists some of the major points discussed in the body of the paper.The body of the paper highlights most of the important elements of blood flow through the heart.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Violent Acts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Violent Acts - Essay Exampleact of violence and torture on the peasant women of his hacienda, and sometimes on his wife, Clara reflects the greater violence afflicted on the people by the forces regime after the election. There is a kind of poetic justice that Allende seems to have maintained in the depiction of violence in her novel. Colonel Esteban Garcias raping and torturing of Alba somehow completes the circle of injustice that Albas grandad had done on Garcias grandmother and father. In the first half of the story, Claras sister genus Rosa accidentally dies of poison that was meant for her father. In both the cases, Rosa and Alba suffer for no criminal offence of theirs. They were innocent, just deal the hundreds of men, women and children of Chile who were victims of violence and bloodshed in the 70s for no sin of theirs. Though Allende right offhere directly mentions the outstanding city in the novel to be Chile, it is quite understandable from the depiction of facts an d events. Her attitude to violence and its pertinacious term consequences is explicit in the writings of Alba,The day my grandfather tumbled Pancha Garcia among the rushes of the riverbank, he added another connexion to the chain of events that had to complete itself. Afterward the grandson of the woman who was raped repeats the gesture with the granddaughter of the rapist, and perhaps forty years from now my grandson will knock Garcias granddaughter down among the rushes, and so on down done the centuries in an arrant(a) tale of sorrow, blood, and love. (Allende, 432).Allendes fear of never-ending violence grapping mankind in the coming years surfaces when she addresses crime as a chain of events that will keep on growing bigger and bigger through revenge and retribution. More revenge will lead to more violence which will ultimately father doom to the entire mankind. So Allende looks to the future with hopes for a violence-free peaceful world when Alba feels like forgiving her torturer at the end.Other
Monday, April 22, 2019
Domain Name Dispute Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Domain Name conflict - Assignment ExampleBefore dealing with the three elements incumbent for substantiating the complainants case, it is requisite to deal with the post geld raised by the respondent. What distinguishes the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UNDRP) from the au. The indemnity is that under the au. Policy, it is not necessary for the complainant to have a registered trademark. All that the complainant is required to cut under the au. The policy is that he or she have acquired a common righteousness trademark through with(predicate) sufficient evidence of practise or reputation in the trademark to justify reliance on a common law trademark.1 The Complainant has provided sufficient evidence of its common law trademark through evidence indicating that Quickileaks has been in operation(p) as a well-recognized and accessed online media outlet prior to the respondents allowance of its field of battle name. It is therefore reason that the complainant does have a common law trademark in Quickileaks.Before dealing with the three elements necessary for substantiating the complainants case, it is necessary to deal with the trademark issue raised by the respondent. What distinguishes the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UNDRP) from the au. The policy is that under the au. Policy, it is not necessary for the complainant to have a registered trademark. All that the complainant is required to prove under the au. The policy is that he or she have acquired a common law trademark through sufficient evidence of use or reputation in the trademark to justify reliance on a common law trademark.1 The Complainant has provided sufficient evidence of its common law trademark through evidence indicating that Quickileaks has been operating as a well-recognized and accessed online media outlet prior to the respondents registration of its domain name. It is therefore concluded that the complainant does have a common law trademark in Quickileaks.Identical or Con fusingly equivalent When a domain name is identical to the tradename in question, this element of cybersquatting is easier to prove. The difficulty arises with respect to proving confusingly similar. charm some cases the use of a qualifying word can do nothing to distinguish the domain name from the trade name. For example, in LOreal/LOreal Australia Pty v Namewise Pty Ltd /Nicholas Bolton, a domain name LOreal Store could not distinguish the domain name from the trade name since adding the word Store to LOreal does not account for the fact that LOreal products are sold in stores.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND government - Essay ExampleThe term of imperialism is usually applied when speaking about such countries as the coupled Kingdom, the USA, Japan, Italy, Spain and France of the 19th century. In that time these countries were trying to found empires by owning areas in Africa. This process is known as the Scramble for Africa. In his work dated 1916 Imperialism, the Highest stage of Capitalism Lenin wrote about the importance of building the beefed-up capitalist empire that will treat other nations and will have enough power to light upon decisions on the world arena. According to him, imperialism implies the domination of the developed countries over the underdeveloped ones (such as African counties). though it must be mentioned that empire-building and the desire to capture other lands has always been in the history, the Lenins imperialism was a peculiar(prenominal) one because of the capitalist basis. Capitalism is founded on the idea that all the power is possessed by reclusive owners and capital stands for the key element in the economic system. Within the get of the 19th century the capitalism in such countries as France, Japan, the USA and the UK was characterized by a great number of monopolies. Lenin wrote in his lucid that the small privately owned companies that were the key factor of the nation prosperity according to Karl Marx were to be replaced by the big monopolies that would have fewer owners, and in other words, fewer people controlling it. Such giants of employment or other business controlled the whole nation with the help of the power that capital gave to them. The thing is that the dominating elements of the economy capital, land and wealth were concentrated in the hands of the few (Greene, 1970). Lenin wrote if it was necessary to give the briefest doable definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism (Greene, 1970). So, when the economy of one count ry strives for monopoly, it leads to the decrease of competition. In a while such situation in one state can project to the outside(a) arena. In order to secure the power, capital and their ownership those few people needed the support of the state. both security implies heavy spending on military forces. According to Lenins theory, the monopolization of the capital leads to the legions strengthening. The rate of a countrys security depended on its army and navy forces, and it in its turn depended on the industrial production that provided these departments. As a result the interests of monopolies and state linked together and in that location appeared tough interdependence. According to Bukharin, the counterpart of Lenin, the monopolization of economy leads to its internationalization, though this internationalization was to be slowed by the build up nations that protected their ownership and capital violently. Therefore, there was the necessity for a state to cooperate with o ther countries, scarce it was to be done carefully in order not to risk the state security. As Lenin explained, Capitalisms passing to the stage of monopoly capitalism, to finance capital, is connected with the intensification of the struggle for the partitioning of the world (Warren, 1980). As mentioned above the new cockle of imperialism based on capitalism was founded on the scramble for weak counties in order to provide
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Hidden Time Capsule from both the Renaissance and the Age of Baroque Essay
Hidden Time Capsule from both the Renaissance and the Age of churrigueresco - show ExampleThis period began in Italy, Rome, at around the year 1600 and rapidly spread to separate European regions (Fitzpatrick, 2008). Its popularity and success were however encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church which insisted that the arts produced at the term were to communicate various religious subjects through emotional or direct involvements. This was in response to the Protestant reformation that was taking place at the time. The churrigueresque architectural styles were perceived as means through which visitors would be entertained and triumphant control or power would be expressed (Buelow, 2004). On the other hand, the renascence period began back in the 14th century and lasted through to the 17th century and was likewise started in Italy while spreading to other European regions in the course of time (Hinds, 2009). The period generally encompassed the creative flowering of the vern acular and Latino writingss, the establishment of linear perspectives along with various rendering styles for obstetrical delivery out the natural realities of painting (Mason, 2005). In writing this paper, I am imagining that I am a cultural anthropologist searching a hidden capsule from both periods with two items each from these periods art, music, architecture, philosophy and literature locked inside them. The paper therefore describes the each of the items that have been found in the capsules from these periods. Inside the first capsule, I found the first art from the Renaissance period which came from Giotto di Bondone who lived between the years 1267-1337 and treated paintings as windows in space. He made his break by using the Byzantine styles and made his first masterwork found were the decorations of Paduas Scrovegni Chapel which were completed around the year 1305 (Hinds, 2009). I also found the sculptures of Pieta and David that were made by Michelangelo so far before he turned thirty years were classical and herculean in structure in this capsule. Michelangelo was the most famous painter, sculptor and artist of the renaissance period (Mason, 2005). Inside the second capsule that came from the baroque period, Aleijadinho of Brazil creations of the statute called Santuario de bom jesus de matosinhos that is located in Congonhas was found. Most of his finest works were several soapstone structures of anile Testament prophets that were created on the terraces of the Brazilian temple (Fitzpatrick, 2008). The fountains of Bernini that were created between the years 1598 to 1680 also have high traits of the Baroque period were also found in the second capsule. Bernini was renowned for making sculptures that could combine the spiritual with the physiological and created several busts for the powerful people who lived during his time (Buelow, 2004). In the first capsule, I found music from the renaissance period that had been produced by composers lik e Guillaume Dufay and Giovanni da Palestrina which included masses and motets (Mason, 2005). Masses were sacred compositions that mainly decorate the Eucharistic liturgies into music. On the other hand, motets were highly varied musical compositions that were choral (Hinds, 2009). In the second capsule, I found musical types like the concerto and the sinfonia which came into being during the baroque period. The sinfonia was an Italian form of symphony and comprised of an orchestral magic spell whereas the concertos were composed of three elements which were the solo instruments, movements and an orchestra that accompanied the two (Fitzpatrick, 2008). The cathedral of Morelia Michoacan that are situated in Mexico and the basilica di San Sebastiano gardens in Sicily are the best examples of baroque period architecture that were found in this capsule. These two
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Benchmark risk management in Australia, UK and USA Research Paper
Benchmark chance management in Australia, UK and USA - Research Paper ExampleSince the greatest threat to physical installations and assets is from terrorist activities, therefore, it is pertinent to review what planning and strategies have been defined by the selected police departments in countering terrorist acts and risks associated with them. Geographic Scope get together Kingdom, United States of America and Australia Summary of Best Practices related to Risk Management of Physical Assets and Infrastructures Integration of protective cover and safety plans and strategies, so as to ensure that the whole system operates with full force and concentration. Communication and coordination with fellowship in order to bring down risks associated with potential threats. Effective communication of potential threats and risks with concerned authorities and stakeholders. Making use of technology to avoid or prevent damages from unforeseen events. Categorical sagaciousness of risk re lated to physical assets and infrastructures, so as to understand the degree of risk associated. Integration of controlling, coordination and dominance for risk management. UNITED KINGDOM London Police division The London Police Department is change integrity into four directorates which assume different responsibilities. For each of the directorates, a separate risk management strategy is devised by the police department, under the leadership of Stephen Rimmer, the Director of Strategy Modernization and Performance Directorate. In the coming lines, the investigator would discuss a number of risk management strategies adopted by the London Police Department, in order to protect its physical assets from terrorist attacks, natural disasters and riots, but the focus would be on terrorists attacks as this federal agent is considered as being more destructive for physical assets of London Police Department. KEY STRATEGIES TO COUNTER luck ASSOCIATED WITH PHYSICAL ASSETS London Police Department uses a 360 degree mechanism for its field operators to report every damage in case of terrorist attack, accident or natural disaster. Besides, wireless cameras are also installed on the site where physical assets are installed by the Police Department. Risk Management Process and Mechanism By communicating with field operatives, the supply sitting at the central monitoring area fetches information virtually the damage occurred to the physical assets of the organization. After receiving the information about the damage, the central monitoring areas staff evaluates the level of risk assumed by the field operatives, occurred to a physical asset. These physical assets might allow in security check points, railway stations, heavy traffic points, hospitals, shopping malls and etc. The figure given under would help the readers to understand, how this whole butt on works As it can be observed, that this is a simple process to avoid any damage from the previously mentioned i ncidents, that may result in an unfavorable impact on the physical assets of the London Police Department. From evaluating, the process enters into the policy formulation or mitigation plan evolution phase where the experts designs a risk management plan to ensure that the organization does not loss on the monitory value of the physical assets mentioned. The installation of control cameras is another strategy that London Police Department has used wisely over the years to overcome the monitory loss that it incurs from the damage to physical assets of the organizations. These surveillance came
Friday, April 19, 2019
European Court of Justice Turner v Grovit and Harada Essay
European Court of justness Turner v Grovit and Harada - Essay ExampleAnti-suit cease and desist order is defined as an order of the court requiring the injunction defendant not to commence or to cease to pursue, or not to advance particular claims within, or to take steps to terminate or suspend court or arbitration proceedings in a hostile country1. The definition of anti-suit injunction claims that under this legal framework, none of the defendants or plaintiffs female genital organ take the assistance to obtain undue advantages of a foreign legislation apart from the country wherein the take exception took place. It is usually observed in case of cross-border disputes that the litigants perceive that they can take the advantage by break the proceedings in their home country, with the expectation to obtain a favourable judgement to the case ruling2. In order to disregard this belief of the litigants, anti-suit injunction has been introduced3.Arguably, anti-suit injunctions are often regarded as balk to the disputes in foreign courts. Addressing this particular issue, the discussion henceforth will evaluate whether the considerable of anti-suit injunction as an act of interference by a foreign court is justifiable. Illustrative examples will also be sought from assorted cases, including the landmark case of Turner v Grovit (C-159/02) 2005 1 AC 101 in order to chant the rationalization of the arguments in this essay. The case of Turner v Grovit, decided in April 2004, is considered one of the landmark cases in the European Court of Justice (ECJ), which apparent denotes the legislative implications of anti-suit injunctions to the principle of lis alibi pendens. This case became the basis for the report of anti-suit injunction as Turner, the plaintiff, was granted with anti-suit injunction, as a measure to restrict the application of the rule condition in correspondence to the re-appeal of the defendant (i.e. Harald Ltd.) in the Spanish court4.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Understanding developments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Understanding developments - Essay ExampleDevelopment bay window b atomic number 18ly realize its full potential through motivating the people, involving them in the projects and organisation at the basic levels. Citizens and the agencies have seen the benefits of including the people in the various projects to achieve success hence do it al some requisite to seek participation in any project.Participation of the people was embraced due to the concerns that development was not only capital centered but also needed the approval of the local people for it to succeed. Participation was aimed at improving the distribution of growth and to reach out to even the lowest income groups of people and emphasise the impressiveness of development to the entire populations. In the recent decades, participation has taken the form of democratisation where citizens are allowed to select for what they want, and any project that they feel is best for them (Oakley, 1995). The easiest form of part icipation is in the political arena where everyone is addicted the equal right to vote for whoever they want and thus increase the sense of responsibility. When the communities on the grounds are allowed to participate in the various projects, they are more likely to be successful.The idea of participation started as a way of reducing poerty among the people and increasing their influence over factors meant to benefit them. The increasing levels of poverty were a major concern, and it was believed that people were poor since they did not have any influence over the factors that determined are directly affected them (Dom, 2012). Therefore participation would enable them to have some cut back over the factors that affect them including access to resources that would help them to improve their standards of living. Decisions on development projects were in the past made by people who did not understand the needs of the poor and thus he projects would at most times be irrelevant to the people.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Commercial Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Commercial Practice - Essay interpreterGenerally in to the highest degree cases, there are certain three distinct states that hind end by and large deal the usage of a quantitative mannikin.In a case where we are un open to spy such a stipulation not be contented then every model that is being considered will have to be forced to ascribe mathematical values for the incompetent characteristics or attitudes , that can ultimately guide to distortions in several conclusions that are consequently obtained from each of the modelsStill, wherever all of the epoch-making step forwards are quantified, there can exist another(prenominal) issues those that are linked with the information and data that may prevent the exploitation of a quantitative model. If for instance the specific data are undependable or in some cases are exceedingly pricey in terms of the time it may require to be collected in or the funds it would cost to assemble, then in the above cases the drill of a quantit ative model might not be appropriate feasible.2. The rule ought to rivet a certain intensity of prejudice or delineation which can only be attained done certain specific mathematical and quantitative comparisons. Some examples of these maybe It is said by researchers and analysts that if the chief rationale seems to be achievable devoid of the use of a certain specific quantitative model, it is then informed to inquire about the response in a non-quantitative manner. The rationale behind this being, the fact that the utter elaborateness and information congregation essential for nearly all of the quantitative models know how to be factually logical if it is vital. 3. An occurrence wherein the scheme of significance encompasses an important amount of responses on the intensity of aggregation necessary. This is most usually a situation wherein the behavior and effect of a certain variable X tends to affect a certain variable Y, and vice versa. If we observe all the definitions o f almost all the quantitative models that exist, we would be able to comprehend the fact that in some cases they would not be required to evaluate the response. On the other hand if the performance of the aim is seemingly directly proportional or directly related to the feedback it would be advisable to use a certain quantitative model for the purpose1. Most of the Quantitative models are ground on the assumptions that are simple and not too intricate at all. It is also observed that most of the most quantitative funds managers hold on to the ground rules of contemporary group theory. The fundamental concepts of this issue consist of the capital asset pricing model also famously known as the CAPM model , the Central Value Theory by the famous Graham & Dodd who also named the model after them , the
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
High School and College Essay Example for Free
High School and College Essay many a(prenominal) aspects of both high give instruction and college can be tied together. People learn many of the akin things they learned in high initiate during their first year or two of college. They argon staple general education classes. They are similar in such ways that you still have to go to class, do class work, home work, take test, and study hard. Depending on the school, teachers can also give you that unrivalled on one help. Class sizes can also be similar to high school if you hear a small college. They are both learning experiences that the individual helps write for themselves by their choices and decisions.There are similarities in the people also. Even in college cliques and groups develop, just like in high school. On the otherwise hand, we all know that high school and college are very different. The work in high school is kind of easy. In college, its time to strap down and get to work. Theres really no room for error. attending is very important in high school. If you miss a day in class, the teacher would scream home. In college, its your own responsibility. Students end up having the same friends throughout high school, because they grew up with them in elementary and middle school. Because of this, they earn an image or reputation. College is a new beginning. People are non tagged with a prior social status or image.It is an opportunity to start new and date new people. Some people meet many of their lifelong friends in college, because they go through so much together. In a way, they are transferring to adulthood, with them by their side. High school and college are what students makes of it. High school prepares people for college. College is a new chapter in life, and also a new beginning. In a way, college is a mature version of high school. To find the true similarities and differences, people must experience both for themselves.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Quality of Ball Pen Essay Example for Free
Quality of Ball Pen evidence frame A pen (Latin penna, feather) is a writing implement utilise to apply sign to a surface, ordinarily paper, for writing or drawing. Historically, reed pens, quill pens, and dip pens were used, with a nib dipped in the ink. Ruling pens allow precise adjustment of line width, and still find a few alter uses, but technical pens such as the Rapidograph are more commonly used. Modern types also let in ballpoint, rollerball, fountain, and felt or ceramic tip pens. l Contents hide * 1 Modern pens * 2 Historic pens * 3 History * 4 Manufacturers * 4. 1 United States * 5 See also * 6 References * 7 extraneous links I edit Modern pensThe main modern types of pens can be categorized by the winning of writing tip or point A mark made on paper with a rollerball pen, and the tip of that pen * A ballpoint pen dispenses viscous oil-based ink by rolling a small hard sphere, usually 0. 7- 1. 2 mm and made of brass, steel or tungsten carbide. 2 The ink dries a lmost immediately on contact with paper. The ballpoint pen is usually reliable and inexpensive. citation needed It has replaced the fountain pen as the most common tool for everyday writing. * A fountain pen uses water-based liquid ink delivered done a nib.The ink flows from a reservoir through a feed to the nib, then through the nib, due to capillary action and gravity. The nib has no moving parts and delivers ink through a thin slit to the writing surface. A fountain pen reservoir can be refillable or disposable, this disposable type being an ink cartridge. A pen with a refillable reservoir may feature a mechanism, such as a piston, to draw ink from a bottle through the nib, or it may require refilling with an eyedropper. Refill reservoirs, also known as cartridge converters, are on hand(predicate) for some pens which use disposable cartridges.A fountain pen * A marker, or felt-tip pen, has a poriferous tip of fibrous material. The smallest, finest- tipped markers are used for writing on paper. Medium-tip markers are often used by children for coloring and drawing. Larger markers are used for writing on other surfaces such as corrugated boxes, whiteboards and for chalkboards, often called liquid chalk or chalkboard markers. Markers with wide tips and bright but vaporous ink, called highlighters, are used to mark existing text. Markers intentional for children or for temporary writing (as with a whiteboard or overhead projector) ypically use non-permanent inks.Large markers used to label shipping cases or other packages are usually permanent markers. * A rollerball pen dispenses a water-based liquid or gel ink through a ball tip similar to that of a ballpoint pen. The less-viscous ink is more easily absorbed by paper than oil-based ink, and the pen moves more easily across a writing surface. The rollerball pen was initially designed to combine the convenience of a ballpoint pen with the smooth wet ink effect of a fountain pen. Gel inks are available in a range of colors, including metallic paint
Modern Drama Essay Example for Free
Modern Drama EssayRestoration litRestoration belles-lettres is the face literature written during the historical period commonly referred to as the position Restoration (16601689), which corresponds to the last years of the direct Stuart reign in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. In general, the term is used to relate roughly homogeneous styles of literature that center on a celebration of or reaction to the restored royal court of Charles II. It is a literature that includes extremes, for it encompasses both Paradise Lost and the Earl of Rochesters Sodom, the high-spirited sexual clowning of The Country wife and the moral wisdom of The Pilgrims Progress. It saw Lockes Treatises of Government, the founding of the Royal Society, the experiments and holy meditations of Robert Boyle, the hysterical attacks on theaters from Jeremy Collier, and the pioneering of literary chiding from tooshie Dryden and John Dennis. The period witnessed wises become a commodity, the essa y developed into a day- afterward-day art potpourri, and the beginnings of textual criticism.The dates for Restoration literature are a matter of convention, and they differ markedly from writing style to genre. Thus, the Restoration in dramamay last until 1700, while in poetry it may last only until 1666 (see 1666 in poetry) and the annus mirabilis and in prose it might end in 1688, with the increase tensions over succession and the corresponding initiate in journalism and periodicals, or not until 1700, when those periodicals grew more than(prenominal) stabilized. In general, scholars use the term Restoration to come to the literature that began and flourished under Charles II, whether that literature was the laudatory ode that gained a new life with restored aristocracy, the eschatological literature that showed an increasing despair among Puritans, or the literature of speedy communication and trade that followed in the wake of Englands mercantile empire. field of studyTh e return of the fix up-struck Charles II to power in 1660 was a major crimsont in English theatre history. As soon as the previous Puritan regimes ban on popular stage representations was lifted, the drama recreated itself quickly and abundantly. Two theatre companies, the Kings and the Dukes Company, were established in London, with two luxurious calculatehouses built to designs by Christopher Wren and fitted with moveable fitry and thunder and lightning machines.10 Traditionally, Restoration plays have been studied by genre quite a than chronology, more or less as if they were all contemporary, barely scholars today insist on the rapid evolvement of drama in the period and on the importance of social and political factors affecting it. (Unless early(a)wise indicated, the draw below is based on Humes influential Development of English Drama in the Late seventeenth Century, 1976.)The influence of theatre company competition and playhouse economics is also acknowledged, as i s the significance of the style of the first professional actresses (see Howe). In the 1660s and 1670s, the London scene was vitalised by the competition between the two spare companies. The need to rise to the challenges of the other house make playwrights and managers extremely responsive to public taste, and theatrical fashions fluctuated most week by week. The mid-1670s were a high point of both quantity and quality, with John Drydens Aureng-zebe (1675), William Wycherleys The Country wife (1675) and The Plain Dealer(1676), George Ethereges The Man of Mode (1676), and Aphra Behns The Rover (1677), all within a hardly a(prenominal) seasons.From 1682 the production of new plays dropped sharply, affected both by a merger between the two companies and by the political unrest of the Popish Plot (1678) and the Exclusion crisis (1682). The 1680s were especially lean years for comedy, the only exception being the unprecedented career of Aphra Behn, whose achievement as the first professional British woman dramatist has been the subject of frequently recent study. There was a swing away from comedy to serious political drama, reflecting preoccupations and divisions following on the political crisis. The few comedies produced also tended to be political in instruction on, the whig dramatist Thomas Shadwell sparring with the tories John Dryden and Aphra Behn. In the calmer times after 1688, Londoners were again ready to be amused by stage performance, but the single United Company was not well prepared to offer it. No recollectiveer supply by competition, the company had lost momentum and been taken over by predatory investors (Adventurers), while wariness in the form of the autocratic Christopher Rich attempted to finance a tangle of farmed shares and sleeping partners by slashing actors salaries.The upshot of this mismanagement was that the disgruntled actors set up their protest co-operative company in 1695.11A few years of re-invigorated two-company competition followed which allowed a brief second flowering of the drama, especially comedy. Comedies like William Congreves bask For Love (1695) and The Way of the World (1700), and John Vanbrughs The Relapse (1696) and The Provoked Wife (1697) were softer and more middle class in ethos, very different from the aristocratic extravaganza twenty years earlier, and aimed at a wider audience.If Restoration literature is the literature that reflects and reflects upon the court of Charles II, Restoration drama arguably ends before Charles IIs death, as the playhouse moved apace from the domain of courtiers to the domain of the city middle classes. On the other hand, Restoration drama shows altogether more fluidity and rapidity than other types of literature, and so, even more than in other types of literature, its movements should never be viewed as absolute. Each decade has brilliant exceptions to every rule and entirely forgettable confirmations of it. editDramaMain article brave d ramaSee also She- catastropheGenre in Restoration drama is peculiar. Authors labelled their works concord to the old tags, comedy and drama and, especially, history, but these plays defied the old categories. From 1660 onwards, new dramatic genres arose, mutated, and intermixed very rapidly. In tragedy, the tether style in the early Restoration period was the male-dominated heroic drama, exemplified by John Drydens The Conquest of Granada (1670) and Aureng-Zebe (1675) which notable powerful, aggressively masculine heroes and their pursuit of glory both as rulers and conquerors, and as lovers. These plays were sometimes called by their authors histories or tragedies, and contemporary critics will call them after Drydens term of Heroic drama. Heroic dramas centred on the actions of men of determining(prenominal) natures, men whose physical and (sometimes) intellectual qualities made them natural leaders. In one sense, this was a reflection of an idealized king such as Charles or Charless courtiers might have imagined.However, such dashing heroes were also seen by the audiences as occasionally standing in for noble rebels who would redress injustice with the sword. The plays were, however, tragic in the strictest definition, even though they were not necessarily sad. In the 1670s and 1680s, a gradual shift occurred from heroic to pathetic tragedy, where the focus was on love and domestic concerns, even though the main guinea pigs might often be public figures. After the phenomenal success of Elizabeth Barry in moving the audience to tears in the role of Monimia in Thomas Otways The Orphan (1680), she-tragedies (a term coined by Nicholas Rowe), which focused on the sufferings of an innocent and virtuous woman, became the dominant form of pathetic tragedy. Elizabeth Howe has argued that the most important explanation for the shift in taste was the emergence of tragic actresses whose popularity made it unavoidable for dramatists to create major roles for them. With the conjunction of the playwright master of pathos Thomas Otway and the great tragedienne Elizabeth Barry in The Orphan, the focus shifted from hero to heroine. Prominent she-tragedies include John Bankss Virtue Betrayed, or, Anna Bullen(1682) (about the execution of Anne Boleyn), Thomas Southernes The Fatal man and wife (1694), and Nicholas Rowes The Fair Penitent (1703) and Lady Jane Grey, 1715. While she-tragedies were more comfortably tragic, in that they showed women who suffered for no fault of their own and featured tragic flaws that were emotional rather than moral or intellectual, their success did not mean that more overtly political tragedy was not staged. The Exclusion crisis brought with it a number of tragic implications in factual politics, and therefore any treatment of, for example, the Earl of Essex (several versions of which were circulated and briefly acted at non-patent theatres) could be read as seditious.Thomas Otways Venice Preservd of 1682 was a royal ist political play that, like Drydens Absalom and Achitophel, seemed to praise the king for his actions in the meal tub plan. Otways play had the floating city of Venice stand in for the river town ofLondon, and it had the dark senatorial plotters of the play stand in for the Earl of Shaftesbury. It even managed to figure in the Duke of Monmouth, Charless illegitimate, war-hero son who was favoured by many as Charless successor over the roman type Catholic James. Venice Preservd is, in a sense, the perfect synthesis of the older politically royalist tragedies and histories of Dryden and the newer she-tragedies of feminine suffering, for, although the plot seems to be a political allegory, the action centres on a woman who cares for a man in conflict, and most of the scenes and dialogue concern her pitiable sufferings at his hands.ComedyMain article Restoration comedyRestoration comedy is notorious for its sexual explicitness, a quality encouraged by Charles II personally and by th e rakish aristocratic ethos of his court. The best-known plays of the early Restoration period are the unsentimental or hard comedies of John Dryden, William Wycherley, and George Etherege, which reflect the atmosphere at Court, and celebrate an aristocratic macholifestyle of unremitting sexual catch and conquest. The Earl of Rochester, real-life Restoration rake, courtier and poet, is flatteringly portrayed in Ethereges Man of Mode (1676) as a riotous, witty, intellectual, and sexually irresistible aristocrat, a template for posterity.s idea of the glamorous Restoration rake (actually never a very common character in Restoration comedy). Wycherleys The Plain Dealer (1676), a variation on the theme of Molires Le misanthrope, was highly regarded for its uncompromising satire and earned Wycherley the appellation Plain Dealer Wycherley or Manly Wycherley, after the plays main character Manly. The single writer who most supports the charge of obscenity levelled then and now at Restorat ion comedy is probably Wycherley.During the second wave of Restoration comedy in the 1690s, the softer comedies of William Congreve and John Vanbrugh reflected mutating heathen perceptions and great social change. The playwrights of the 1690s set out to appeal to more socially mixed audiences with a unvoiced middle-class element, and to female spectators, for instance by moving the war between the sexes from the arena of intrigue into that of marriage. The focus in comedy is less on young lovers outwitting the older generation, more on marital relations after the wedding bells. In Congreves plays, the give-and-take set pieces of couples still testing their attraction for each other have mutated into witty prenuptial debates on the eve of marriage, as in the famous Proviso scene in The Way of the World (1700).Restoration drama had a bad reputation for three centuries. The conflicting mixing of comedy and tragedy beloved by Restoration audiences was decried. The Victorians denounce d the comedy as too improper for the stage,12 and the standard reference work of the early 20th century, The Cambridge History of English and American Literature, dismissed the tragedy as being of a level of dulness and lubricity never surpassed before or since.13 Today, the Restoration summarise theatre experience is again valued, both by postmodern literary critics and on the stage. The comedies of Aphra Behn in particular, long condemned as especially offensive in coming from a womans pen, have become academic and repertoire favourites.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Two Treatises of Government Essay Example for Free
Two Treatises of political sympathies EssayJohn Locke was born in 1632 and died in 1704. Locke is among the most in fluential polictical philosophers of the modern period. John Locke argued that the passel have rights like the right to life,liberty and property. Locke was one of the founding fathers who were in regard of the right to revolt. The second amendment is opposed by the founders today. The american revolution its self is one of the most telling testimony illistrating the right to bear arms. The right of Revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to over throw a goverment that acts against their common interests. The concept of the right of revolution was also interpreted up by John Locke in two treaties of goverment as part of his social contact possibleness. The starting line treatise was aimed squarely at the work of another 17th-century political theorist, Sir Robert Filmer, whose Patriarcha (1680, though probably written in the 1630s) defended t he theory of divine right of kings. Locke claims that Filmers doctrine defies common sense.In Lockes Second Treatise on Civil Government Locke implies that all equal human beings will choose to obtain goods that will inevitably lead to conflict. human race beings must be governed by this natural law of morality before seeing into a society. Locke proposed a radical conception of political philosophy deduced from the principle of self-ownership and the corollary right to own property, which in turn is base on his famous claim that a man earns ownership over a resource when he mixes his labour with it.Government, he argued, should be limited to securing the life and property of its citizens. John Locke, who writes from the view of a realist, argues that the authorities is established by a social contract, although they have limited powers, they can be modified by the authority that conferred them. Lockes second Treatise of Government fundamentally places sovereignty into the indiv iduals hands. Locke, argued state of equality rather than war.Locke believed that in ready for human beings to protect their property as well as themselves, they must join together and enter into a social contract, developing an executive power with authority. When the governing bodies begin to protect themselves instead of their people, Locke states that the people must resist and revolt, otherwise known as the right of rebellion where individuals should resist AND even begin to replace the government. . 382 Revolution is no stranger to the united states. American revolution is how our country.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Valentineââ¬â¢s Day Essay Example for Free
Valentines Day EssayValentine day to me is a day full of delight in. It doesnt government issue if you dont have a partner to share it with ,there people in your feeling that complete you like your mom, dad , brother , sister , uncle, aunt ,friends you have some atomic number 53 that energise by you. And people you make do , we all live busy life forget sometime to really show someone or some people that you truly love them not be establish you dont want to, its just life can go by so fast it good to have at least one day to stop think spread LOVE. You dont have to buy anything special efflorescence , candy , teddy bear etc using your voice to say a simply i LOVE you how much you are thankful to have them in your life there LOVE. Flowers always die , edulcorate gets eaten , teddy bear soon get in the way are thrown away simply the words you said are remember kept in mind.Words are so powerful. So dont stress on getting the perfect gift if you truly love this m ortal they love you just as much all you need is each other , dont stress if you dont have a valentine or a boyfriend or lady friend you could celebrate this day of LOVE with just about anyone you LOVE. The common saying is why dont you show this person LOVE everyday why it has to be on valentine day , i find that you should do that well at least make sure you say i love you cause you never know if that be the last time you could, were only human and tend to forget things get over whelm with LIFE. I am sure you forget to show people how much you love them to the fullest everyday.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Reviews on Financial Risk Management Essay Example for Free
Reviews on pecuniary take a chance Management EssayThe definition and types of pecuniary chance III. Risk anxiety and the theoretical foundation IV. The dish up of monetary endangerment precaution V. The challenges confront by the innovative pecuniary chance steering theories ?Abstract? Financial adventures are exposures of uncertainties for those participants in monetary merchandise. Financial pretends crapper be divided into four categories commercialise gamble, credit stake, liquidity jeopardize and usable jeopardize. Risk charge has become to a greater extent and more crucial for a commercialize participant to survive in the highly competitive market. As the discipline of the world-wide pecuniary market, there are many phenomena that deal non be explained by traditional financial happen management theories. These phenomena hand over accelerated the development of styleal finance and frugal physics. The financial management theories apply alr eady improved a lot over the past decades, entirely still facing around challenges. Therefore, this report get out review more or less important issues in the financial risk management introduce some theoretical foundation of financial risk management, and discuss the challenges faced by the modern financial risk management.I. Introduction Financial risk is one of the basic characteristics of financial system and financial activities. And financial risk management has become an important component of the scotch and financial system since the elapserence of financial in human society. everywhere the past few decades, economic globalization spread across the world with the falling drop of the Bretton Woods system. Under supra background, the financial markets subscribe become even more unstable due to some signifi do-nothingt changes. legion(predicate) events happened during the decades, including the Black Monday of the division 1987, the stock crisis in Japan in 1990, the European monetary crisis in 1992, the financial storm of Asia in 1997, the bankruptcy of Long-Term Capital Management in 1998, and the most recent global financial crisis triggered in the year 2008. All these changes brought enormous destruction of the smooth development of the world economy and the financial market. At the same beat, they also assistanceed people sureized the necessity and urgency of the financial risk management. Why did the crisis happened and how to stave off the risk as much as possible?These questions form been endowed more signifi pott means for the further development of the economy. Therefore, this report will review some important issues in the financial risk management introduce some theoretical foundation of financial risk management, and discuss the challenges faced by the modern financial risk management. II. The Definition and Types of Financial Risk The word risk itself is neutral, which means we cannot see risk a good thing or bad. Risk is o ne of the intimate features of human sort, and it comes from the incertitude of the future results.Therefore, briefly speaking, risk can be defined as the exposure to uncertainty. In the definition of risk, there are two extremely important factors first is uncertainty. Uncertainty can be considered as the distribution of the possibility of one or more results. To ingest risk, we pauperization to prolong a on the button explanation well-nigh the possibility of the risk. However, from the assign view of a risk manager, the possible result in the future and the characteristic of the possibility distribution are unremarkably unknown, so subjective factors are frequently geted when making decisions.The second factor is the exposure to uncertainty. Different human activities were diverged at divergent direct to the same uncertainty. For example, the future weather is uncertain to everyone, but the influence it has over agriculture can be far deeper than that over finance i ndustry or other industry.Based on the above description about risk, we could have a lightener definition of financial risk. Financial risk is the exposure to uncertainty of the participants in the financial market activities. The participants mainly refer to financial institutions and non-financial institutions, usually not including ndividual investors. Financial risk switch offs by countless dealings of a financial nature, including sales and purchases, investments and loans, and various other business activities. It can arise as a result of legal transactions, innovative projects, mergers and acquisitions, debt pay, the energy component of costs, or with the activities of management, stockholders, competitors, unconnected governments, or weather. (Karen A. Horcher). Financial risk can be divided into the hobby types according to the different sources of risk. A. securities industry risk.Market riskis theriskthat the grade of a portfolio, either an investment portfolio or a commerce portfolio. It will decrease due to the change in value of the market risk factors. The four cadence market risk factors are stock prices, spare-time activity rates, foreign exchange rates, and commodity prices. The influence of these market factors have over the financial participants can be both direct and indirect, like through competitors, suppliers or customers. B. Credit risk. Credit riskis an investors risk of loss arising from a borrower who does not make payments as promised. much(prenominal) an event is called adefault. Almost all the financial transactions have credit risk. Recent years, with the development of the internet financial market, the problem of internet finance credit risk also became prominent. C. liquid risk. Liquidity riskis the risk that a given security or asset cannot be traded quickly abundant in the market to prevent a loss. Liquidity risk arises from situations in which a party c at oncerned in trading anassetcannot do it because no body in themarketwants to trade that asset.Liquidity risk becomes particularly important to parties who are about to hold or currently hold an asset, since it affects their skill to trade. D. running(a) risk. Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from foreign events. Nowadays, the study and management of operational risk is getting more attention. The organizations are trying to perfect their internal control to minimize the possibility of risk. At the same time, the mature guess of other subjects, such(prenominal) as operational research methods, are also introduced to the management of operational risk.Overall, financial risk management is a process to deal with the uncertainty resulting from financial markets. It involves assessing the financial risks facing an organization and developing management strategies arranged with internal priorities and policies. Addressing financial risks proactively m ay provide an organization with a competitive advantage. It also ensures that management, operational staff, stockholders, and the jump on of directors are in agreement on key issues. III. Risk Management and the Theoretical FoundationFinancial market participants attitude towards risk can be basically divided into the following categories. A. Avoid risk. It is irrational for some companies to approximate that they can avoid the financial risks though their careful management because of the following reasons. First of all, risk is the internal feature of human activities. Even though it doesnt have direct influence, it could generate indirect influence though the competitors, suppliers or customers. Moreover, sometimes it might be a better choice for the manager of the company to accept risk.For example, when the profit margin of the company is higher than the market profit margin, the manager can increase the value of the company by using financial supplement principle. Obviousl y, it will be harder to increase the value of a company if the manager is always using the risk avoidance strategy. B. Ignore risk. Some participants tend to ignore the existence of risks in their financial activities, thus they will not take any measures to manage the risk. According to a research of Loderer and Pichler, almost all the Swedish multinational companies ignored the exchange rate risk that they are facing. C. Diversify risk.Many companies and institutions choose to convert risk by putting eggs into different baskets, which means reaching the purpose of overthrow risk by holding assets of different type and low correlation. And the cost is relatively low. However, as to small corporations or individuals, diversifying risk is somehow unrealistic. Meanwhile, modern asset portfolio theory also tells us that diversifying risk could only lower the unsystematic risk, but not systematic risk. D. Manage risk. Presently, most people have realized that financial risk cannot be eliminated, but it could get managed though the financial theory and tools.For instance, participants can break down the risk they are exposed to by using financial engineering methods. After keeping some necessary risk, diversify the rest risk to others by using derivatives. But why do we need financial risk management? In other words, what is the theoretical foundation of the existence of financial risk management? The early financial theory argues that financial risk management is not necessary. The Nobel Prize superior Miller amp Modigliani pointed out that in a perfect market, financial measures like hedging cannot influence the firms value.Here the perfect market refers to a market without tax or bankruptcy cost, and the market participants own the complete information. Therefore, the managers do not need to worry about financial risk management. The similar theory also says that even though there will be slight moves in the short run, in the long run, the economy will move r elatively stable. So the risk management that is used to prevent the loss in short term is just a waste of time and resource. Namely, there is no financial risk in the long run, so the financial risk management in the short run will just offset the firms profits, and therefore tame the firms value.However, in reality, financial risk management has already roused more and more attention. The need for risk management theory and measures soar to unprecedented heights for both the regulator and participants of the financial market. Those who think risk management is necessary argue that the need for risk management is mainly based on the imperfection of the market and the risk abuse manager. Since the real economy and the financial market are not perfect, the manager can increase a firms value by managing risk.The imperfection of the financial market is shown in the following aspects. First, there are various types of tax existing in the real market. And these taxes will influence the earning flow of the firm, and also the firms value. So the Modigliani amp Miller theory does not work for the real economy. Secondly, there is transaction cost in the real market. And the smaller the transaction is, the higher the cost. Last but not least, the financial market participants cannot obtain the complete information. Therefore, firms can pull in from risk management.First, the firm can get stable cash flow, and thus avoid the external financing cost caused by the cash flow shortage, decrease the fluctuation range of the stock and keep a good credit record of the company. Secondly, a stable cash flow can guarantee that a company can invest success plentifuly when the opportunity occurs. And it gets some competitive advantage compared to those who dont have stable cash flow. Thirdly, since a firm possesses more resource and knowledge than an individual, which means it could have more complete information and manage financial risks more efficiently.If the manager of a fir m is risk aversion, he can improve the managers utility through financial risk management. Many researches show that the financial risk management activities have close relation to the managers aversion to risk. For example, Tufano studied the risk management strategy of American gold industry, and found that the risk management of firms in that industry has close relation to the contract that the managers signed about reward and punishment contracts.The managers and employees are full of enthusiasm about risk management is because that they put great amount of invisible capital in the firm. The invisible capital allows human capital and specific skills. So the financial risk management of the firms became some natural reaction to protect their devoted assets. In conclusion, although controversy is still going on about the financial risk management, there is no doubt that the theory and tools of financial risk management is adopt and used by market participants, and continue to be enriched and innovated.IV. The Process of Financial Risk Management The process of financial risk management comprises strategies that enable an organization to manage the risks associated with financial markets. Risk management is a dynamic process that should evolve with an organization and its business. It involves and impacts many parts of an organization including treasury, sales, marketing, tax, commodity, and corporate finance. Companys financial risk management can be divided into three major ill-uses, namely realisation or confirmation risk, measure risk and manage risk.Lets illustrate it using the market risk as an example. First, confirm the market risk factors that have a significant influence to the company, and hence measure the risk factors. At present, the frequently used measure of market risk approach can be divided into the relative measure and sheer(a) measure. A. The relative measure method It mainly measures the sensitiveness relationship amidst the mark et factors fluctuations and financial asset price changes, such as the duration and convexity. B. The absolute measure methodsIt includes variance or standard deviation and the absolute deviation indicator, mini max and value at risk (VaR). VaR originated in the 1980s, which is defined the maximum loss that may occur within a certain office aim. In mathematics, VaR is expressed as an investment vehicle or a combination of profit and loss distribution of ? -quantile, which stated as follows Pr ( ? p lt= VaR ) = ? , where, ? p said that the investment loss in the holding period within the confidence level (1 ? ). For example, if the VaR of a company is 100 jillion U. S. ollars in 95% confidence level of 10 days, which means in the next 10 days, the risk of loss that occurred more than 1 million U. S. dollars may of only 5%.Through this quantitative measure, company can clear its risks and thus have the ability to carry out the next step targeted quantitative risk management activ ities. (Guanghui Tian) The last step is management risk. Once the company identified the major risks and have a quantitative grasp of these risks through risk-measurement methods, those companies can use various tools to manage the risk quantitatively.There are different types of risk for different companies, even the same company at different stages of development. So it requires specific conditions for the optimization of different risk management strategies. In general, when the company considers its risk exposure more than it could bear, the following two methods can be used to manage the risk. The first way is changing the companys operating mode, to make the risk back to a sustainable level. This method is also known as Operation Hedge.Companies can adjust the supply channels of raw materials, set up production plants in the sales outright or adjust the volume of inflow and outflow of foreign exchange and other methods to achieve above purpose. The second way is adjust the c ompanys risk exposure through financial markets. Companies can take advantage of the financial markets. Companies can take advantage of the financial markets wide range of products and tools to misrepresent its risk, which means to offset the risk that the company may face through holding a reverse gear position.Now various financial derivative instruments provide a commensurate and diverse selection of products. first derivative products are financial instruments whose value is attached to some other underlying assets. These basic subject matters may be interest rates, exchange rates, bonds, stocks, stock index and commodity prices, but also can be a credit, the weather and even a snowfall in some ski showplace. Common derivatives include forward contracts, swaps, futures and options and so on. V.The Challenges Faced by the Modern Financial Risk Management Theory Over the recent years, as the sharpen of risk management hifts from a control function to one of global financial o ptimization, the concern shifts from modeling the behavior of engineered contracts in selected markets to modeling the evolution of the entire economy. This change of focus calls for a vastly improved ability to model the time evolution of economic quantities. (Sergio Focardi). While those who do risk management are interested in predicting if assets will go up or down, the over-riding interest is in the relationship in movement to different assets.Though linear methods such as variance-covariance help to understand the co-movements of markets, a different set of tools is necessary to better manage risk. (Jose Scheinkman). Paradigms such as learning, nonlinear dynamics and statistical mechanics will affect how risk from market and credit risk to operational risk is managed. While the first attempts to use some of these tools were focused on predicting market movements, it is now clear that these methodologies might positively influence many other aspects of economics.For instance, they could be useful in taking into custody phenomena such as price formation, the emergence of bankruptcy chains, or patterns of boom-and-bust cycles. Lars Hansen, Homer J. Livingston professor of economics at the University of Chicago, remarks that these in the altogether paradigms will bring to asset pricing and risk management at enhanced understanding once the implicit underlying fundamentals are better understood. He says What needed is a formal judicial admission of the market structure, the microeconomic uncertainty, and the investor preferences that is consistent with the posited nonlinear models.Commenting on the need to bring together the pricing of financial assets and the real economy, he notes that an understanding of whats behind pricing sensations to a better understanding of how assets behave. For risk management decisions that entail long-run commitments, he observes, it is particularly important to understand, beyond a purely statistical model, what is govern ing the underlying movements in security prices. Blake LeBaron, professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin-Medison, observes that there is now more interest in macro moves than in individual markets.But traditional macroeconomics typically provides only point forecasts of macro aggregates. In the risk management context, a simple point forecast is not sufficient a complete validated probabilistic framework is needed to perform operations such as hedging or optimization. One is after an entire statistical decision-making process. The big issue is the distinction between forecasts and decisions. (Blake LeBaron) Arriving at an entire statistical decision-making process implies reaching a better scientific explanation of economic reality.New theories are attempting to do so through models that reflect empirical selective information more consummate than traditional models. These models will improve our ability to forecast economic and financial phenomena. The endeavor is no t without its challenges. Our ability to model the evolution of the economy is limited. Prof. Scheinkman notes that unlike in a physical system where better data and more computing power can lead to better predictions, in social systems when a new level of understanding is gained, agents start to use new methods. Prof. Scheinkman says Less ambitious goals have to be set.Gaining an understanding of the broad features of how the structure of an economic system evolves or of relationships between parts of the system might be all that can be achieved. Prof. Scheinkman remarks that we might have to concentrate on finding those patterns of economic behavior that are not destroyed, at least not in the short-run, by the agent learning process. VI. evidence The theory foundation of modern financial risk management is the Efficient Markets Hypothesis, which notes that financial market is a linear balanced system.In this system, investors are rational, and they make their investment decision with rational expectations. This hypothesis shows that the changing of the future price of financial assets has no relation with the history information, and the return on assets should obey familiar distribution. However, the study of economic physics shows that financial market is a very complicated nonlinear system. At the same time, behavioral finance tells us that investors are not all rational when making decisions. They usually cannot completely understand the situation they are facing unlike hypothesized.And most times they will have cognitive bias, when they use experience or intuition as the basis of making decisions. It will lead to irrational phenomena like overreaction and under reaction when reflected on investment behaviors. Therefore, it will be meaningful to study how to improve the existing financial risk management tools, especially how to introduce the nonlinear science and behavior study into the measurement of financial risk.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Accreditation Audit Essay Example for Free
Accreditation Audit EssayWith all of the executable problems that could occur during surgery, a wrong-site, wrong- affected role mistake is one that should never abstract. Nightingale familiarity infirmary (NCH) full understands the enormousness of doing away with these errors and has set up protocol to work towards this goal. While the protocol is in place, it is not fully compliant with Joint Commission (JC) standards. Standard UP.01.01.01 Conduct a pre use verification process.Nightingale Community Hospital has a Site Identification and curb form _or_ system of government and procedure. Within this policy, and Preoperative/Preprocedure tab Process is addressed. in that billet is also a Preprocedure Hand-Off form present. This form is a bit misleading as it is essentially a hand-off form in general with a few extra boxes possible for check-off. To prep be for inspection and audit, NCH should frame and implement a form for use within the Operating Theater or wherever procedures are performed, such as bedside procedures. This form needs to be more specific in addressing at to the lowest degree the minimum requirements by JC.The form needs to cite that all relevant documentation is present, such as signed consent form, nursing assessment, preanesthesia assessment, history and physical. The form also needs to specify that the necessary diagnostic and radiology test results, rather they be images and s cans, or biopsy reports, and properly displayed and labeled. Finally, to fulfill the minimum requirements by JC, any(prenominal) and all required blood products, implants, devices, and special equipment needs to be labeled and matched to the uncomplaining. Standard UP.01.02.01 Mark the procedure site.NCH covers the procedure site marking standard fairly well within their Site Identification and Verification Policy. It mentions that site marking is needed for those cases involving laterality, multiple structures, or levels. Several times in their p olicy NCH mentions that it is beaver to have the patient involved, if at all possible. If the patient is unable to mark the site, the policy states that the physician ordain be called to mark the site. The policy states that the mark shall be made in permanent black scoring so it will remain visible after skin preparation, and also in a location that will remain visible after sterile draping is in place. The policy alsoincludes circumstances in which the marking will be unable to be performed based on the location of the surgery beingness in an area that is unable to be marked. Standard UP.01.03.01 A time-out is performed before the procedure.Nightingale Community Hospital has an adequate procedure in place for the time-out performance. Within the Site Identification and Verification Policy, the Time-Out Procedure complies with JC standards. A time-out is to be conducted immediately prior to performance of the procedure, it is initiated by the bind or technologist, it involves all personnel involved in the procedure, the team members agree to a minimum of patient identity, correct site, and correct procedure to be performed, and all of this information is documented in the record, including those involved and the continuance of the time-out. The only issue not addressed fully is the possibility of multiple procedures occurring on the same patient by different practitioners, and in that case, an additional time-out needs to be done for every smart procedure.The Communication priority focus area is an extremely important area for any hospital. This is a ordinary sense area that should be able to reach complete compliance. A wrong-patient, wrong-site issue should never arise and is wholly avoidable. In 2010, Joint Commission reported that wrong-patient/site surgeries continued to be the most oft reported sentinel event(Spath 2011).Jay Arthur states that JC reports between four and six wrong-site surgeries per day(2011). The World Health Organization bel ieves that at to the lowest degree 500,000 deaths per year could be prevented if the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist was correctly implemented.These numbers, when compared with the possibility of 100% compliance, are astounding and completely avoidable. Nightingale Community Hospital is well on their way to avoiding these types of sentinel events through usages of proper protocol, procedures, and policy as is seen by the upward trend from their last year of self-checks. With continued diligence and appropriate modifications made, this can be an area that NCH, and any other hospital can be fully compliant in.ReferencesArthur, J. (2011). incline six sigma for hospitals Simple steps to fast, affordable, flawless health charge. New York, NY McGraw-Hill. Spath, P. L. (2011). Error reduction in health care A systems approach to improving patient safety (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ Jossy-Bass. WHO (2013). WHO Safe surgery saves lives. Retrieved from http//www.who.int/patientsafety/safesurgery/e n/ Last Accessed November 5, 2013.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
An Eminent Threat to the Planet Essay Example for Free
An Eminent Threat to the Planet adjudicateGlobal warming is certainly a danger that threatens our society. While it may non drastically imprint this generation, if things keep going as they atomic number 18, future generations impart have to deal with the problems that people atomic number 18 straightway causing. Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases Global warming refers to an overall increase in the temperature of the background. This is due emissions of nursery gases, which are essentially pollutants which damage the earths ability to maintain itself when they are released into the zephyr. Carbon dioxide is a particularly common greenhouse gas that is emitted by the activities people all of the time. An overload of these gases prevents the ability of the atmosphere to absorb some of the rays from the sun, as the ozone layer is damaged. Fossil fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, and kerosene release fumes into the atmosphere that damage the atmospheres ability to regulate the earths temperature by allowing and preventing solar rays from reaching the surface. Climate Change and seal Level RiseAlthough current climate change is outflank represented by more extreme temperatures (higher high temperatures in the summer, and lower lows in the winter), ultimately the earth is expected to warm up. Many scientists have hypothesized that within the next century, the earth may warm by up to two degrees Fahrenheit. Although this does not seem like a lot, it could cause the melting of the outer layers of polar ice, which would cause a swot in sea train by up to a a couple of(prenominal) feet over the course of the next century.But the rate of global warming is expected to increase, according to the environmental Protection internal representation. If this occurs, and due to the expansion of Antarctic ice and the melting of some ice caps, sea level could rise by several feet, which would have devastating consequences. Life as we know it would be on the whol e altered by any significant rise in sea level. Because water allows for trade and transportation, nigh major communities are built close to the coast of continents, rather than the interiors. That being said, if sea level was to rise so much as ten feet, many cities would be completely destroyed.Miami, Florida would have to be evacuated, as would most of the towns within fifty miles of the United States Gulf Coast. Much of the land in the Caribbean would be submerged, as would many islands in the South Pacific, and even some areas in Europe, such as the Netherlands. How Our Current Activities are Causing Global Warming Although exact measurements of the rate of the rise in temperature and thus, sea level are presently immeasurable, the way human beings are living today will certainly ensure that they will be significant.People are causing more emissions of environmentally and atmospherically dangerous gases than ever before, and we do not seem like we are going to stop any time so on. More elevator cars are on the road, more airplanes are in the air, and more boats, including large freighters and barges are in the water than ever before, and as the planets population increases, so will the amount and volume of our emissions of dangerous gases. If we intend to counteract global warming in any way, we have to realize that our present course is not environmentally friendly, and it will lead to a rise in temperature (and a greater abundance of pollutants).We need to grace in clean fuels, and even though researching alternatives to our current fuels will be costly, it is well worth it in the long run, because global warming is a fast way to destroy our planet. References U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 2009. http//www. epa. gov/climatechange/emissions/index. html U. S. Department of State. Climate Change and Overview. 2009. http//www. state. gov/g/oes/rls/rpts/car/90312. htm
The Relation of Media and Diet between all Female Essay Example for Free
The Relation of Media and Diet surrounded by all Female EssayIntroductionProblem and its BackgroundMedia plays a strong influence on our current neighborly, tangible, cultural, spiritual and emotional environment. It is undeniable fact that much(prenominal) intervention has played its utmost component part in the development of human culture and society. The various concepts, and colliding ideas and principles atomic human action 18 all part of medias large influences. The power of such images flashed in televisions, advertisements, newspapers, and many another(prenominal) forms of information relaying system have attained easy formations of trends and cordial patterns that are to begin with an influential figure in the society. Most often than not, these fad triggers the fashion trends, social perspective establishments and most of all, beliefs and concepts. As for this paper, the topic mainly involves the formation of such fad in pabulum by the influences dealt by every form of media. The social patterns are easily distinguished however, plays a tortuous move of action among issues involved. Diet is one of the primary influence products of the media. There are various factors that hit such fad and trigger it in the society. Most often than not, these factors captivate the attention and the curiosity of these health-conscious or in worst case, eating impaired individuals or those with eating disorders, and subjects them in such trends of viands.Scope and Limitations In the course of this paper, the pursuance questions are answered using a comprehensive interpretation and analysis that are coordinated in the whole discussion. Each statement is supported by objective data that involves such causation. The following are the objectives of the s pile imposed in this paper. These queries serve as the primary scope and limitations, as rise as objective of the whole study hence, the whole study revolves only in these posted queries.Do the medi a play and evident role in terms of influence towards the nutrition patterns established in the individuals oddly females? If so, provide basis and supporting data in these claims.What are the specific forms of media that affect the formation of such diet trends and primarily influences females?DiscussionHistorical PerspectiveThrough surface the twentieth century, we can observe many changes in the world of the fashion, beauty industry and most especially diet regimen that are primarily marketed most significantly to women. In specific angles, the physical shape and characteristics of the women portrayed in advertisements have greatly influenced the perspective of the women in todays time. The female image in the media has changed from being voluptuous and luxuriant in the 1940s and 1950s to becoming busty and narrow-hipped from late 1960s through the 1980s (Straight 2005, p.12). straight off the fad of physical appearance is most evidently slim with manifesting curvatures. These physical appearance has greatly shaped the type of diet instilled to women especially those who are very much indulged in achieving such corpse form. The fixing of such fad has started its move in North America dated 1920s. the creation of such fad, which is having an befittingly sized and proportioned body, have increased the womens self value and esteem from herself, peers, opposite sex and the participation itself. Therefore, in order to maintain such physical feature, women require themselves to focus on the rightful diet regimen utilized as well by the fad model in which they patterned their physical interest (Straight 2005, p.13).Media Influences DietMedia is not only limited to visual entertainment but as well as literature, which is also an influencing factor for diet regimen for females. Diet books, as a genre, became particularly one of the fads in 1950s and 1960s, and are considered to be one of the main influencing form of media that influences diet. During this ti me, some of the best-seller books that have been published are Calories jadet Count, The Quick Weight Loss Diet and Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution, all of which have change millions of copies, making their authors more like celebrities in their own right through promising readers a appearance to lose fish quickly and easily (Seale, 2002 p.193).In fact, weight loss programs, diet books, and media advertisements for diet products gave been greatly increasing and expanding now a days. Women are treating these forms of media as their cosmetic fad or indulgence. The fact is diet Medias is one of the increasing multibillion-dollar industries in our current time. As diet commercials have increased, the body size of playboy centerfolds and Miss America contestants has decreased to the point where many of these individuals, according to the latest research evidences, meet the weight criteria for anorexia nervosa, which is an eating disorder characterized by psychological disinterest of eatin g due to excessive consciousness in weight and body image (Costin, 1999 p.54).In addition to this scenario, celebrity exercises and diet videos, and computer software are becoming part of the medias diet revolution. Since these celebrity icons and famous personalities provide public attraction to the regimen being endorsed, the media has been utilizing these in order to gain their consumers trust.With a few positive role models for risque people, and stress on an increasingly thin ideal female body shape, it is understandable that a number of researchers have been concerned to establish links between media portrayals, diet regimen itself, and eating disorders. The results have obtained out of these studies, and show that such influence really exists, or at least symbiotically related to body shape ideals that circulate in the culture (Seale, 2002 p.193).The media now carries a wealth of messages that reinforce thinness. Another study found that media exposure has been directly and indirectly linked to occurrence of signs and symptoms of various eating disorders, internalization of ideal-body stereotypes, and gender-role s (Perse, 2001 p.183). Another study enforces that these medias utilized in the United States induces dissatisfaction with body shape hence, providing motivational reason for these individuals to adopt in such king of diet routine (Seale, 2002 p.193).ConclusionIn the end of the statement, it has been proved that media plays a significant role that affects motivation, indulgence, and interest of these diet regimens. Such fad has been induced by media long in front history can tell, and as the media evolves, it continues to produce another varying image that conforms to what society prefers according to the advertisements laid by these media. However, the concept of this fad has been linked to various eating disorders, concluding that such influence of media can be either beneficial or destructive.ReferenceStraight, B. A. (2005). The Two Fin ger Diet How the Media Has Duped Women Into Hating Themselves. iUniverse.Seale, C. (2002). Media and Health. Sage Publications Inc.Costin, C. (1999). The ingest Disorder Sourcebook A Comprehensive Guide to the Causes, Treatments and Preventions of Eating Disorder. McGraw-Hill Professional.Perse, E. M. (2001). Media Effects and Society. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
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